Product surveys are intended to comprehend strengths and weaknesses revealed by companies’ products subject to study, as well as to find ways a product is consumed and determine means to improve it, or to get prepared for a new product launch.
While delivering new flavors, choosing best recipes or evaluating a package, preliminary tests significantly increase chances of success. BRIF Research Group offers both, studying a product as a whole, as well as its constituents, including it package, organoleptic qualities, appearance, ergonomics and functionality.
Product research includes:
We apply various product-study related methods. We actively utilize package tests by conducting focus-groups, we analyze consumption behavior through home visits or through accompanied shopping.
Throughout quantitative surveys one may derive the most essential product characteristics, as well as conduct a conjoint analysis. It is throughout complex projects that the best survey results and findings might be attained. BRIF Research Group has held over 150 product surveys throughout the past 15 years. We have worked with most various product categories, from foods to cosmetics and perfumery.